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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes, 04/07/2010
Minutes of Meeting – April 7, 2010; meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  
Present:  L Messana; D Trancynger; J McNinch; KR Flynn; RN Sandlin.

A moment of silence was observed in memory of Peter Spina, a long-time member of the Finance Committee, who recently passed away.

MOTION by DT, seconded by KRF to accept the Minutes of March 24 as presented.  5/0 vote.

Berkshire Harvest Restaurant came before the Board seeking a change of manager and DBA for their establishment.  With everything in order, MOTION by RNS, seconded by DT to approve a change of manager from Robert Burnell to Rajendra Shah for The Berkshire Harvest Restaurant.  5/0 vote.  

Members of the Library Board of Managers, as well as the new library director, Sharon Hawkes, appeared before the Board to introduce herself and to discuss the FY11 funding from the Town.  In addition, there was a brief discussion regarding the Burlesque for Books fundraiser that was recently held at the Library.  It was agreed that a letter will be sent to the Library explaining that this type of entertainment is in violation of the Adult Entertainment Bylaw.  With regard to their funding, they are fearful of losing their certification if the town decreases their allocation disproportionately to the town departments.  The Town has recommended $200,000; the Library would like to see $245,785.  It was suggested that capital funds allocated for shutters be put toward their operating budget instead.  DT concurred that she felt that this thought process made sense.  RNS stated that he feels that shutters and balustrades are not cosmetic, and that the Town needs to keep on top of repairs to the building.

The Finance Committee and the Board went through the FY11 budget and ATM warrant articles.  It was agreed to vote on the final documents on Monday, April 12.

Economic Opportunity Area:  The Board discussed putting together a TIF (Tax Increment Financing) agreement with Allegrone Construction, and where to designate an EOA.  After some discussion, it was agreed that the C3A zone, particularly the southern portion from Lime Kiln Road to East Dugway Road, contained parcels that would be a perfect fit.  MOTION by RNS, seconded by JM to designate the C3A zone, particularly the southern portion from Lime Kiln Road, as an Economic Opportunity Area.  5/0 vote.
Members from the Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Board to discuss their ideas for marketing Lenox, and how they would like to see utilized the new economic development dollars that will be in the FY11 budget.  Items include the following:  A visitor’s center in Town Hall that would sell event tickets, web site and video development, undertaking a branding study and developing a branding and a town logo.  Bob Romeo suggested that the Town contract with North Star at a cost of $68,400 to perform a branding study for the Town.  He feels that the additional 2% that the Town is receiving on the room’s tax could easily cover this expenditure.  He feels that it is important to hire a firm to gather information to then begin marketing Lenox.  Ralph Petillo spoke about a lign:left;">Village Phase II Bid Award:  MOTION by RNS, seconded by KRF to award the bid for the Village Phase II work to A.J. Virgilio for an amount not to exceed $1,049,950.90, and to authorize the TM to sign a contract for same.  5/0 vote.  Work will begin on Housatonic and Franklin Streets shortly, with work stopping in July and August.  Work will begin again in September, finishing up by December.

LM announced that Scott Pignatelli has resigned from the Community Preservation Committee, and that anyone interested in serving should submit a letter of interest to the Board.  Also, she announced that Mike Sullivan is the new Animal Control Officer.

At 9:30pm, the Board voted to end the meeting, and to reconvene on Monday, April 12 at 7pm for the conclusion of the agenda items and to vote on the budget and warrant articles.

Selectmen’s meeting continuation from April 7, 2010 meeting to Monday, April 12, 2010; meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.  Present:  L Messana; D Trancynger; J McNinch; KR Flynn; RN Sandlin.

The Board discussed the FY11 funding for the Library.  LM stated that she checked, and 77 communities went for waivers, and all but one was approved.  She feels that the Town is at a point that they will need to cut staff if we continue to fund the Library at the current level.  RNS was upset at the last minutes nature of the request to increase their funding.  KRF is not willing to cut Town services in order to accommodate the Library.  JM stated that he doesn’t want the Library to lose its’ accreditation, but he doesn’t want to be held hostage to the state.  He would be willing to appropriate more and get it back in rent.  DT feels that the Town should stick with its’ original number.  Library Director Sharon Hawkes stated that the state would see right through the appropriation/rent issue.  Finance Committee voted to stay with $200,000 figure.  Several individuals in the audience stated their concern with the state accreditation.  MOTION by KRF, seconded by DT to appropriate $200,000 for the Library.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by KRF, seconded by RNS to approve the Town warrant as presented.  5/0 vote.

MOTION by DT, seconded by KRF to approve free BRTA rides on “Green Fridays” as part of the “Lenox Unplugged” campaign.  5/0 vote.  MOTION by JM, seconded by DT to grant permission for the Environmental Committee to hold a “haybale” gardening workshop in Lilac Park on Saturday, April 24.  5/0 vote.

Economic development focus:  LM mentioned the need to determine long-term and short-term goals.  RNS talked about strategic planning vs. tactical efforts, and feels that the focus should be on strategies. KRF agreed that the focus should be on long-term goals – be strategic, and more visionary.  She feels that the Chamber should focus on filling store fronts, marketing and promos.  DT would like to see a clearer directive, and suggested the Board give more specific direction with a time-frame and a list of hoped-for products.  JM favors having one of the Selectmen serve on the EDC and be its chairperson.  He volunteered to do this.  He also favors a focus on long-term strategic planning.  It was mentioned that if all of the funding is not used, it can be carried forward into the new fiscal year.  Jerry Connoy, from the Chamber, stated that the Chamber, by nature, is more tuned into short-term goals, and that long-term efforts would be beyond the normal scope of the Chamber.
Old/New Business:  RNS discussed holding free “Concerts in the Park” on Wednesday evenings from 6-7/7:30pm.  They could be jazz, classical or folk music.  He suggested the installation of a wooden platform until a gazebo could be installed.  LM thanked Laura Spector for her showing in the Olympics. She would like to hold another All Boards Meeting with attendance mandatory.  She suggested that we stick to the noon Friday deadline for agenda items, with the package going out on Monday.  She asked that the number of one-day licenses allowed in a year be placed on the next BOS agenda.

By roll call, LM, DT, KRF, RNS and JM voted to go into Executive Session at 8:40 p.m. to discuss union and other contract negotiations, and to not return to open session.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                          Clerk
                   Assistant to Town Manager                                 Board of Selectmen

Mary Ellen Deming
Director of Administrative Services
Town Hall - 6 Walker Street
Lenox, MA  01240
phone: (413) 637-5500
fax:      (413) 637-5518